How to Convert 1 tsp to tbsp
Step 1: Identify the conversion factor
The conversion factor from tsp to tbsp is
1 tsp = 0.333333 tbsp
Step 2: Set up the calculation
To convert 1 tsp to tbsp, multiply by the conversion factor:
1 × 0.333333
Step 3: Calculate
1 × 0.333333 = 0.3333
Step 4: Round the result
The result is approximately: 0.3333 tbsp
Final Answer:
1 tsp is approximately 0.3333 tbsp
Teaspoon (tsp)
Definition: A teaspoon (symbol: tsp) is a unit of volume in the US customary system. One US teaspoon is equal to approximately 4.92892 milliliters.
History/origin: The teaspoon originated as a household measure for cooking and was standardized in the United States in the late 19th century. It is typically used for measuring small amounts of ingredients.
Current use: Commonly used in cooking and baking for measuring small quantities of liquid and dry ingredients.
Tablespoon (tbsp)
Definition: A tablespoon (symbol: tbsp) is a unit of volume in the US customary system. One US tablespoon is equal to approximately 14.7868 milliliters or 3 teaspoons.
History/origin: The tablespoon originated from household utensils used for eating and serving food. It was standardized in the United States in the late 19th century to ensure consistency in recipes.
Current use: Used in cooking and baking for measuring larger quantities of ingredients than a teaspoon.
Tsp to Tbsp Conversion Table
tsp | tbsp |
0.01 tsp | 0.0033 tbsp |
0.10 tsp | 0.0333 tbsp |
1.00 tsp | 0.3333 tbsp |
2.00 tsp | 0.6667 tbsp |
3.00 tsp | 1.0000 tbsp |
5.00 tsp | 1.6667 tbsp |
10.00 tsp | 3.3333 tbsp |
20.00 tsp | 6.6667 tbsp |
50.00 tsp | 16.6667 tbsp |
100.00 tsp | 33.3333 tbsp |
1,000.00 tsp | 333.3330 tbsp |
Common Tsp to Tbsp Conversions
tsp | tbsp |
0.1 tsp | 0.0333 tbsp |
0.25 tsp | 0.0833 tbsp |
0.5 tsp | 0.1667 tbsp |
1 tsp | 0.3333 tbsp |
2 tsp | 0.6667 tbsp |
3 tsp | 1 tbsp |
4 tsp | 1.3333 tbsp |
5 tsp | 1.6667 tbsp |
10 tsp | 3.3333 tbsp |
20 tsp | 6.6667 tbsp |
50 tsp | 16.6667 tbsp |
100 tsp | 33.3333 tbsp |